Principal Investigators
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Lab Leaders
Leaders of research teams that are eligible to have their names on scientific papers and compete for excellence in research and other undergraduate presentation opportunities.
Corrina Cannell
Biological Sciences
Jae Hoon Lee
Biological Sciences
Miao Qi
Biological Sciences
Undergraduate Lab Members
Members whose core responsibilities involve training, cleaning, learning about the background of the lab, maintaining populations, running assays (such as counting eggs, mate choice experiments), and collecting data.
Jacob Alzagatiti
Mariana Azami
Alden Black
Andrew Cheng
Leah Ding
Emilia Djordjevic
Angela Do
Jared Elizarraraz
Ashley Fielding
Joel Garcia
Maria Garcia
Alexander Ginther
Aru Ishizuka
Lisette Juan
Vivian Liao
Cindy Nguyen
Jimmy Nguyen
Mary Nguyen
Isadora Pham
Ana Ramirez
Ramen Riza
Marvin Talana
Julie Vu
Josephine Yu
Former Lab Members